Hello, darlings!
Miss Windsor presents her refreshingly zingy recreation of Mrs Beeton’s Quick-Fire Fizz Lemonade – “easy peasy lemon squeezy”! – which one stumbled across in my 1906 edition of Mrs Beeton’s Book of Household Management.
I was instantly captivated by Mrs Beeton’s wizardry skills (I mean, the poor devil who Mrs Beeton snaffled his/her recipe from!), as she had concocted a magical potion with only a few simple ingredients: water, lemon juice, sugar – plus a smattering of “bicarbonate of soda”.
Darlings, this beverage is just what the doctor ordered to reduce one’s body temperature during such an unusual spell of sweltering hot weather. I dare say, it’s definitely a one-off for Great Britain which is notoriously known for its mediocre summers.

To suit the singleton I’ve adapted the measurements ever so slightly, however, one may increase the measurements if expecting guests. Oh, and just in case you’re yet to observe, I’ve changed the title of this recipe from plain Lemonade to Mrs Beeton’s Quick-Fire Fizz Lemonade – a trifle more fitting, don’t ya think!

Darlings, hush please while my dear culinary amour and collaborator, Mrs Simkins, utters a riveting question, “Miss Windsor, this recipe sounds a tad like a scientific experiment, please do explain!”
Well, darling, what can one say! the Victorians were rather fond of experimental cookery. Of course, there’ll be no danger of fire as one preforms Mrs Beeton’s method for lemonade; it’s merely swift and easy to recreate. Therefore, this rousing recipe from a bygone era fits perfectly in the “quick-fire” category, as it will only take a snippet of your time to make (How spiffing!).

With regards to the “fizz” element of this culinary experiment, it is produced by a quarter teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda – upon releasing the magic powder into the lemony water, you’ll be instantly mesmerised by the summery, sparkly, effervescent mix of ingredients. I must add, the froth really reminds me of Alka-Seltzer – you know, the chalky tablet to nurse one’s hangover!

Darlings, Mrs Beeton’s Quick-Fire Fizz Lemonade is extremely versatile – and can be supped from a glass tumbler whilst you relax in an easy-chair watching the world go by; or to be served as a sweet, refreshing tipple at an afternoon tea or summer garden party. Alternatively, it can be bottled then shared at your annual family picnic – whatever the event, this piquant beverage with a sweet edge will be enjoyed by all.

Oh, and one mustn’t forget to mention, this sizzling swift recipe is the perfect “mixer” for summer cocktails.
Hence, here’s my recipe for……..

Miss Windsor x

Mrs Beeton’s Quick-Fire Fizz Lemonade!
- 150 ml (5 US fl oz.) of cold water
- juice of 1 lemon
- caster sugar to taste – approx. 2 to 3 flat teaspoons (add more if too sharp)
- 1/4 flat teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda
For decoration
- 1 slice of lemon, plus 1 slice chopped into segments
- ice to serve
Darlings, now squeaky-clean hands please – Ta very muchly!
Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon.
Measure the cold water, then pour in the lemon juice and stir (TIP: make sure you strain the juice to remove bits of flesh. Do not pour directly into the water)
Add the caster sugar and mix well with a spoon. Add more if too tart.
Now the fun bit! Plop 1/4 flat teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda into the lemon water. It will start to fizz and froth immediately, but still, give it a quick stir to evenly distribute the powder.
Darlings, you see I told you so, it’s ‘easy peasy lemon squeezy’!
Now, it’s time to enjoy your creation – fill a glass tumbler with ice, followed by the lemonade, throw in a few lemon segments, then decorate with a twist of lemon – Voila!
Recipe Notes
(double the ingredients for 2, and so on!)
Hiya. Great recipe. I think this is the perfect drink that will help keep me cool here in england – such weird hot weather at the moment! Thanks for sharing.